Were kings and tsars the victims of ultrasonic aggression?
(For Russian readers please visit our page – Читайте эту страницу на русском языке:https://ultrasonicwars.com/статья-2-цари-короли-и-ультразвук )
There is strong evidence that members of high society in various countries have been victims of inaudible vibrational aggression for at least the past four centuries.
As an introduction to this article, I will explain the concept by which it was written. The fact is that the ability to recognize the signs of ultrasonic aggression is developed over the years, especially when you become a victim of such aggression and you are able to “put things on the shelves”. In judicial practice, this is called tracking or following the trail. Once the thread of recognition is taken, it is much easier to unwind it than a situation in which the omens are confused and poorly distinguishable.
It is easy to deal with the consequences of ultrasonic damage if you already know all the features of the phenomenon. There are several of them and they are fundamental. The most widespread ultrasound tricks in centuries can be divided into several categories (we will now talk about human health): perforation of biological tissues, cooling of tissues, heating of the body depending on the depth of penetration of ultrasonic heating beams, external and internal pressure on tissues, internal and external tissue cut.
The royal and high society people who died from meningitis (hypothermia of the brain as a result of sharply cooling deeply penetrating ultrasonic radiation) were very numerous and many of them died in childhood.
But, for example, the great Tsar Peter the First had several oddities in the formation of his body, such as a height of 203 cm and long legs like sticks, feet size – 38 and a male penis, like that of a boy, which indicate the consequences of prolonged exposure of his pituitary gland to the ultrasound of low intensity and at a very young age, which, however, also contributed to the development of the character of an innovator, – a typical phenomenon for ultrasonic irradiation with vibrational radiation of the brain in moderate amounts.

The wife of the Russian Tsar Nikolai II, Alexandra Feodorovna, was brought to autism and a wheelchair, apparently as a result of constant ultrasonic irradiation of the lower part of her body, possibly in order to prevent pregnancy by provoking infertility with ultrasonic vibration. At her forty, she looked like sixty years old, although, when she married Nicholas II, she was an undoubted beauty to the envy of many women.
The Russian emperor Alexander the Third died suddenly at the age of 49, apparently from insufficient kidney function with a very powerful health before that, which may be associated with constant ultrasonic irradiation of the lower part of his body, possibly in order to eliminate the wayward mighty king and get to Russian huge reserve of gold (which was done after only twenty years).

And such examples are realy numerous.
The fact is that the discovery of ultrasound and its application was associated, in all likelihood, with alchemy and then with chemistry. Namely, this science was ignored by all tsars and kings, not realizing that the laws of nature are always the most important ones – and for this they paid very much.
The situation has degenerated over the centuries, released from their hands.
But in our times there is still the last opportunity to return everything to its own course and restore true justice on earth, when from each to receive according to his ability and to each to give according to his work. The rule of communism? – No, not at all! The rules of normal social life, practiced for centuries as a result of healthy human competition. And tsars and kings, they know this very good. After all, it was this rule that allowed them, in general, to maintain their power and dominion over the world. They know this and give prizes and awards for this.
The range of ultrasound influence on human life and society is incredibly wide. Everything is limited by the ban on human testing. However, many of these massive human trials took place well before this law came into force after the World War II.
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